Windows 10 not able to open and download *.torrent files. Solved. Close. 1. Posted by. u/HoroTV. 4 years ago. Archived. Windows 10 not able to open and download *.torrent files. Solved . Hey guys, today I decoded to finally upgrade to windows 10. Right now I'm rather happy and stuff. But as a person who uses .torrent files I have a problem I normaly use Bittorrent, but since the update I get How to fix greyed out uTorrent files About: greyed out files , torrent wont work , torrents , torrents greyed out , torrents wont download , transfer cap , uTorrent So today, as i am sure all IT enthusiasts have experienced, a friend came to me all serious and stressed out of his mind rambling something about his internet wont work on his dads computer.
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